Solar Eclipse!!! Thank you to community members for donating eclipse viewing glasses so we can watch this once in a lifetime event.
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Solar Eclipse
Thank-you Ms. Ross for teaching us, caring for us, and loving us.
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Ms Ross
Reminder: Tomorrow (4/2) is a Waiver Day for staff which means no school for students. (The bus for 4CCC students will still depart at 7:50 a.m.) Enjoy the day off – see you on Wednesday!
9 months ago, Beth Hench
Waiver Day 4/2
Happy Easter
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Take a look in the classroom of 6th grade Social Studies.
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
battle ship
Thank you PTO!!!
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
New Shirt
To kick off March as Youth Art Month, Ayersville artists were honored March 2 in Columbus at The Kings Art Complex. Ann Marie Sigler's YAM (Youth Art Month) flag design earned honorable mention. Bella Stambaugh's YAM graphic design also earned honorable mention. Brynn Hanenkrath's and Antonio Rodriguez's pieces were displayed as part of the OAEA's 44th Annual YAM and YPAE (Young People's Art Exhibition).
9 months ago, Mrs. Manriquez
BH artwork
BH ceremony
BS ceremony
BS graphic design
AS flag design
AS ceremony
AR artwork
AR ceremony
Look at our 6th grade class.
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
6th grade
Ayersville 5/6 choir went to Bellevue, Ohio to a clinic. The clinician was very impressed with the choir and their mature sound. She could not believe they were 5/6 graders. Great job, Pilots!!
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Take a look into our classroom!!
9 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Take a look into our classroom.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
5th grade science
Miscellaneous Monday! Check out the Ayersville Pilot Archery Club Facebook page for more information.
10 months ago, Beth Hench
Miscellaneous Monday 3/11
This is a reminder that Ayersville will run on a scheduled 2-hour delay tomorrow (3/6) for the purpose of staff professional development. This delay includes Four County students. The Four County bus will depart at approximately 9:50 a.m.
10 months ago, Beth Hench
2-hr delay 3/6
Right to Read Week partner reading.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Partner Read
Fourth grade Science Class.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
science class
Miscellaneous Monday! Check out the Ayersville Pilot Archery Club Facebook page for more information.
10 months ago, Beth Hench
Miscellaneous Monday 3/4
Families having fun together during Literacy night
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Family Literacy Night
Right-to-Read Week dress up days. Come ready to read and have fun in space.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
dress up
Check out the food truck during Family Literacy Night, Monday, February 26, from 5:00-7:00 P.M.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
Food truck
Family Literacy Night is Monday. Please RSVP and join us for a fun filled evening.
10 months ago, Mrs. Nancy Miller
family literacy