supporting ohio veteran and military families

High School Military Liaison

Gene Rupp, Principal

House Bill 488 - Revised Code to require state institutions of higher education to award credit for military training, to increase penalties for certain theft, deception, and identity fraud offenses when the victim is an active duty service member, to allow for a civil action for victims of identity fraud, to make other changes regarding state support and benefits for veterans and their spouses, and to clarify membership in the State Teachers Retirement System. 

Military OneSource - Military OneSource is provided by the Department of Defense.  The resources provide give service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive.  This includes a wealth of parenting resources, benefits, and programs.  

Army OneSource - Army OneSource, Army Child, Youth and School (CYS) Services works with parents, students, and schools to mitigate the challenges resulting from children switching school systems because of family relocation or deployment of a parent. 

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) - The Military Child Education Coalition’s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. 

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3) - Ohio is one of 50 states involved in the Interstate Compact for Educational Opportunities for Military Children, which is working to ensure that military children are properly enrolled in schools, have eligibility for school activities, and have assistance in meeting graduation requirements. Learn about the compact on this website. 

Touching Base - Touch Base is a quarterly U. S. Department of Education newsletter for the military community. 

Financial Assistance for Military and Veteran Families

Military Parent Technical Assistance Center

National Military Family Association

Ohio Resources for Military Families

College Atlas

TED Talks - Supporting Military Families

verteran's day program image